Next step: a pleasant look on everyday life.
Saturday , November 16 , 2002


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Welcome to next step.  Seeing as I am brand spankin' new.  Here's a break down of what (or rather who) to look forward to.  Ok here's a break down on the updates.  This comic will be a MWF with the occasional bonus pic on Thursday or Saturday.  The exception will be a two update week if I do a COLOR comic on Monday.  So fair warning.  ^^  So if you see a color comic get ready for a lighter dose of Next step.  To make up for those weeks I'll probably post bonus pics.


Enjoy!  Here's the profiles of the characters.  (More as they appear.)

Jett- The closest thing to a main character.  He's a freshman in college in a New Orleans business school.  He's a video game / comic nut that is a reliable friend and an overall good person.  His only real fault is his introverted nature, that and his odd chronic fear of the opposite sex... Jett has a 'go by his own schedule' attitude and sometimes seems irresponsible.

Eric- Jett's roommate is a capitalist and a patriot through and through.  He devotes himself to the nation he's been born into and aspires to be a successful business-person.  He tends to have a bit of tunnel vision and focuses on goals one at a time.  Eric is a gentle giant, despite his towering stature is a very level headed diplomat, more than willing to talk conflict out rather than using intimidation.

Joyce- On the other end of the states in the Cleveland area, Joyce attends school to become a doctor.  She's brash and short tempered but a fair person beneath her harsh exterior.  She holds a bitter resentment for men, especially the pig minded variety.  People tend to make false assumptions about her due to these beliefs....  Joyce has some sort of past with Jett, and seems to have some tie to his fear of girls.

Elly- Joyce's roommate is a carefree spirit that attends her school.  Shes one of the few people on campus that can talk to Joyce open and honest.  She quickly becomes close friends with Joyce.  Unlike her roommate she has no problem with open minded men.  She also likes the 'company' of girls as well.  She is a relative social daredevil that isn't afraid to live by her instincts.  Thus very open with herself and others.


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